Feel the Fear

As much as I hate to admit it, I used to allow fear to paralyze me to the point where I’d end up not doing what I had intended to do. I would wallow in my current situation simply because I was too scared to speak up, too scared to make a change or too scared to actually do what I wanted to do. As someone who likes the excitement that comes with change I felt like my life was ticking on by, but I wasn’t actually LIVING it. In the age of Instagram quotable quotes and everyone flaunting their faux fearlessness I battle to believe that I’m the only woman out here who battles with fear. By fear I’m not talking about the adrenaline that pumps through your veins like electricity before a bungee jump. I’m talking the feeling that settles into the pit of your stomach when you are about to make decisions, put plans into action and have conversions that alter your life. Being afraid should not and will not hinder me. I’ve started making an effort to embrace the fear and do it anyway. As scary as that is.

Over time I have become better and I guess it will always be something I’m constantly working towards. Starting this blog took longer than usual not only because my web developer and I didn’t see eye to eye on a few occasions. Being afraid of what people might say, wondering if I even had the following to make this worth while and wondering how people would receive “yet another fashion blog” made me work slower than usual and drag my feet. Shooting these images was a struggle too. I kept asking myself whether I was actually going to post images of myself clad in only lyrca and a bra on my site for the world to see. *cringe!* My abs aren’t perfect, my body isn’t the illusive hourglass shape and I promise you when I clicked “publish” on that first workout inspired post, I had my eyes shut tightly. Knowing it was work pushed me to just do it, and in the end I thought “Fuck it! These images are pretty dope”.

One of the biggies I’ve been PETRIFIED of this year is buying my own property . Friends ask me why I don’t seem excited about it but as Tamar Braxton would say, I’m nerv-xcited. I’m so nervous that I’ll be accumulating the most amount of debt I ever have in my life. I’m nervous I’ll be embarking on this journey on my own. I’m nervous I’ll be stuck in debt that affects my lifestyle and the dreams I’ve set out for myself. My nervousness casts a dark cloud over my excitement which is absolutely unnecessary. I should be celebrating this time (This is a massive investment, which I should be proud to be undertaking on my own!) but instead I’m worried about something I’m going ahead with anyway. So, I’m making a conscious decision to stop robbing myself of life’s pleasures just because I’m afraid.

In my attempts to get over fear, I’ve tried exploring my fears a little more closely and spend some time trying to determine where I think they stem from. They always seem to come down to some variation of not feeling like I’m good enough. It’s easy to come up with reasons why I could fail. Dwelling on them however is just a waste of time. And besides what exactly does “good enough” mean? No one is perfect, but we are more than just good enough and deserve to at least attempt to achieve what we have set out for ourselves. I made the decision to stop making excuses and I refuse to live in fear, but instead I choose to live in faith. Fear of the unknown will always be there, but while I still have my time on earth I’m going to feel the fear, trust in my choices and abilities, and do it anyway.


Sports X Back Bra – c/o Fit ‘n Fabulous Boutique

Crop Dessert Dweller Leggings – c/o Fit ‘n Fabulous Boutique

Trainers – Nike Roshe DMB at Superbalist



  1. mokgadi modika
    February 19, 2016 / 5:31 PM

    Well done I’m impressed with your blog keep doing what you are doing some of us are liking it.

    • February 20, 2016 / 9:37 PM

      Thank you Mokgadi. You don’t know how much that means that means to me. I’ll keep working, bringing you the best content I can.

  2. Vuyo
    February 22, 2016 / 9:26 AM

    Listen, this is my daily struggle! For me its the fear of acknowledging what I’m most passionate about because of fear( there’s that word again) of rejection, fear of; like you said fear of It not being good enough, but then again not good enough for who? for what? like?!? if its my dream it should be good enough for me right? they say if your dreams don’t scare you they’re not big enough right.. Thanks for this

    • February 23, 2016 / 5:18 PM

      Exactly! Dream those big, scary dreams girl. Your life is yours for the living so we really shouldn’t let fear of anything get in the way of achieving anything. And besides, what is the worst that could happen?
      You’re welcome!