Unlocking Confidence with LUX

When do you feel the most self confident and assured? I’m talking about when the belief and trust in your own abilities, qualities and judgement is on Yeezy Level? Personally, a few things need to be aligned for me like stars. Firstly, my eyebrows need to be filled in to look complementary. I don’t need them to look exactly the same like twins but to look similar, you know, like sisters. It’s clear they are related, they are equally as pretty but just… slightly different. Then the angle of the curve on my winged eye liner needs to be mathematically precise (I knew geometry would come in handy someday in my adult life) and equally long on both sides. My lipstick remains on my lips and doesn’t bleed or somehow migrate to my front teeth. My skin is soft and smooth, and has a golden, JLo glow to it. My hair has been freshly cut and my nails are neat and tidy. Then lastly, the most necessary star of them all, is to make sure I’m smelling good. A great scent is the master key that unlocks that level. Activate Kanye-fidence.

A beautiful scent makes me feel like I can conquer the world. Ok, maybe not THE WHOLE WORLD, but definitely MY world. I even believe I walk taller, my strides are a little longer and my head is held a little higher when I know I’m smelling good. It introduces me before I  walk into a room, and it lingers in the air after have left. An appealing fragrance makes me feel like I’m wearing an invisible shield of armour which just makes me feel sexy and alluring but also strong and powerful. It draws people in and makes me feel enchanting and captivating, when it’s actually just because I smell so darn amazing.  A fabulously feminine scent makes me feel beautiful. Scent is a powerful thing. It can evoke fond childhood memories and it can remind you of special occasion or of special people. It can bring people together or it can repel them. The right scent can affect your mood, making you feel sexy and seductive or sweet and wholesome. It can invigorate and energise you, or make you feel calm and relaxed. A delightful fragrance may be the single most powerful, intangible way to up your confidence levels while being a pleasant reminder of your existence to those around you. When you smell great, everyone wins. #LUXSHEWHODARES

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  1. Mateboho
    April 20, 2016 / 12:30 PM

    So after reading this post i was inspired by what you wrote, i wanted to feel this way man the way you described it it’s so beautiful so i bought myself the Lux Soft Caress Body wash and i absolutely love it, really smells divine and for some reason i feel my skin is softer…. Thank you for the good stuff give us more!!!

    • April 25, 2016 / 12:36 PM

      Hi Tebo, I’m glad you’re inspired by this. If I can just reach one person then I’m happy!!
      Yaaaasss to softer, more radiant skin!!