
dare dɛː/ verb To have the courage to do something.  Defy or challenge (someone) to do something.

One of my mantras for this year is to celebrate individuality, distinctiveness and authenticity. As women we spend so much time comparing ourselves to others. I’ve been there and the constant comparisons ate away at my self identity bit by bit until I was left not knowing who I was, what I stood for and what path I was going down. Its unhealthy for your soul. So when I was approached to be part of the Lux She Who Dares campaign which aimed at inspiring young African women by daring them to BE, it was a no brainer that I’d want to get involved. The campaign is centered around a fragrance film which you can watch below.

“She who dares to jump from things and into things, and live wildly like a messy force of nature. Listening to no one and spinning and pushing and pulling like a fast moon around a sleeping planet.”

After watching the film it stirred me to revisit the type of woman I want to be, and figure out if the goals I’d set out for myself were aligned with the outcome I envisioned. Sadly, I’ve reached a bit of slump and I haven’t been feeling very motivated lately, but this has kicked my ass into action. It has also prompted me to take a look at my aspirations from a different angle. Instead of aiming towards something,  I now dare myself to be. Who can turn down a dare? I dare to be fearless. I dare to celebrate my individuality. I dare to be confident, powerful and optimistic. I dare to be courageous. I dare to be adventurous. I dare to be the authentic. Just as this film prompted and reminded me to let my light shine, I hope just sharing my feelings about it gives you permission to do the same. It’s like a quote from Marianne Williamson, “…As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
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1 Comment

  1. March 30, 2016 / 10:16 AM

    Hey Keabe, I love the posts as always but this resonates with me so much. I have defined what we suffer from as adult peer pressure. I survived it and showed my individuality in my teens but for some reason, I have found that I have to go to war for my individuality and authenticity as an adult and often find that I don’t recognize myself much anymore. We get told to look this way, wear this, go there, live above your means trying to fit in and it is all so exhausting. So great to be reminded that it’s ok to just be. I’m too grown for peer pressure.

    Love Bu