How to make your Outfits look Polished

“Do you have an interview today?” is the way people around my office say that you’re looking good today. A little too good in fact and I’m looking like crap so stop dressing up when coming to work. I hear this question usually on days that I’ve opted to wear a pair of heels instead of my usual flats, I haven’t spilt coffee down my white button down by midday, or my makeup is behaving and actually staying put. I like to think that on these days I look more polished and refined, rather than stylish and trendy. My aim is to curate a wardrobe filled with classic pieces which are versatile enough to dress both up and down. Putting the wardrobe together is one part of the struggle, but making sure you are able to combine these pieces into kick ass outfits everyday is another. These are my tips for making my outfits look more polished and elegant. If you have any additional tips make sure to pop them in the comments section below, I’d love to read them.

  • Wash, press, iron or dry clean : We’re only on the first item on the list and I’m guilty already. I hate ironing. See the jacket in the image above for proof. It’s so boring and tedious. A domestic goddess I am not, so I try to keep my clothes as wrinkle free as I can by not forcing them into my already cramped little wardrobe. That just means I have clothes hanging on every available door handle. Sometimes it’s impossible to avoid though. You are travelling and after a few hours in your luggage your shirt looks more crinkly than crisp. You remembered a skirt that somehow migrated to the back of your wardrobe and when you fish it out it looks more like a discarded scrap of fabric than the chic skirt you remember it to be. Mashwabana (crinkles) are inevitable but make sure you get rid of them before actually wearing your clothes. Keeping your clothes looking new and clean is so important to make you look polished. I’ve decided to invest in a steamer to help me straighten out garments. It’s so much more fun taking out wrinkles with a steamer than it is dragging out an ironing board and setting it up. I also get to pretend like I work in a boutique straightening out clothes while they hang on a rail.
  • Get your hands on a lint remover: Only recently have I purchased a lint roller and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t change my life! Seriously! As big as it is, I carry it around in my handbag or I’ll just leave it in the car because nothing ruins an outfit more and makes you look unkept than fluff. I purchased mine from Woolworths. It’s a roll of sticky paper which allows you discard each sheet separately when you’ve  used it up. It grabs even the tiniest of fluffs and it works more efficiently than the older types.
  • Fit is EVERYTHING. People often misconstrue this and think it means everything must be super tight. No. I disagree. Sometimes a dress looks amazing slightly looser and not too tight. See my first post for reference. Other outfits look better cut closer to the body. It depends on what you are wearing and the look you are going for. Fitted means no big, oversized sleeves. Fitted means paying attention to the stitching of a shirt to make sure it lies comfortably on your shoulders. Fitted means no denims that totally envelope your shoes and make you look like you are performing miracles and hovering mid air. I can’t take a man seriously if he’s wearing an oversized suit. The hottest woman looks a mess when her clothes don’t fit her. Even if you have the best, most fashionable intentions, if it doesn’t fit you properly you’ll miss the mark.
  • Invest in good quality basics : I simply cannot stress this enough. A pair of genuine leather pumps and a genuine leather handbag will last you years if you take good care of them. If you prefer suede,  go for the real thing. You may pay a small fortune but if you buy your quality basics in classic shapes and colours you’ll only need cheaper, trendy pieces to dress them up in different ways, so in the long run you’re actually saving. Basics are the cornerstone of your wardrobe, don’t be afraid to invest in them.
  • Pay attention to hardware and detail : This applies to everything you buy. Once you have the good quality basics out the way, you may want to fill in the gaps with other cheaper items. Take note of the buttons on blazers, zips and details on pants and denims, and embellishment of t-shirts and tops. These usually age first and make an otherwise great look fall flat and appear cheap.
  • Keep it Minimal : You don’t need big earrings, a eye catching neckpiece AND a bracelet. Less is more. Bells and whistles are for Christmas trees. My style has evolved alot lately. I still love one statement accessory once in a while, but I make sure it’s in good shape and then that will be the only accessory I wear. More often than not you’ll find me wearing delicate jewelry and small studs. You can still have fun with your accessories in a subtle way. Simplicity is key to looking polished.
  • Take care of your essentials. Those leather shoes you spent a few thousand on? Keep them looking good by cleaning them after you’ve worn them and storing them in a box or dustbag. Saturday morning is when I clean all the shoes I wore during the week because I don’t have the energy to this daily.  It’s become a ritual of sorts where I clean, spray and brush my shoes, air them out and then pack them back in their boxes. For leather shoes and sneakers I  bought leather spray to keep the leather healthy. For suede I purchased suede spray and a soft brush to keep my items looking fresh. Your shoes will keep for longer and look great when you need them.
  • Hair and Beauty. Keep your hair clean and neat , and your makeup polished. If you don’t like getting your nails done then keep them short and painted in a nude tone. My toenails always fail me. I’ll find myself trying to hide my feet when I’m wearing sandals because of a chipped toe nail or scruffy toes. I keep a tiny bottle of nailpolish in my handbag for such disaster days.

Lastly, and the most important tip is Confidence. What makes you feel like a powerful goddess who can take on anything? A great smelling scent? Red lipstick? An invigorating body scrub in the morning? Positive affirmations? Whatever it is, do it and do it often. If your state of mind doesn’t exude confidence it doesn’t matter how great your outfit is. Start getting comfortable in your own skin before you try get comfortable in clothes.

About the Look

Jacket – Witchery | Denims – ZARA | Sandals – ZARA | Sunglasses – Dior

Urban safari chic came to mind when I spotted this jacket. The colour, multiple pockets and details are just begging you to go on a sunrise safari game drive. Witchery is becoming my new favourite  place to shop. Witchery stocks classic pieces that have a modern aspect to them which is perfect for me. I never want to leave empty handed when I visit the store. I paired this looks with skin tight white denims and crazy fringed sandals from ZARA.



  1. November 20, 2015 / 9:02 AM

    Lovely post. Here’s a tip from me on how I keep my clothes looking polished – When you get home, take that jacket or dress off. If you want to keep its clean lines looking proper, keep the elasticity in tact, don’t sit on the couch and slouch in it. Remove the clothes before you laze around. Don’t nap in your good clothes.


    • November 20, 2015 / 2:16 PM

      Thank you! Great tip. When I get home the first thing I do is take off my bra, sometimes without even taking off my shirt or dress. Shameful, I know but this is a great tip to keep your clothes looking newer for longer.